In which complaints from children can Reflexology provide relief?
- Findings or complaints related to the effects of high sensitivity
- Findings or complaints related to ADHD / ADD / Dislexion, Autism
- Stress-related complaints, when processing parents’ divorce, bullying, fear of failure or depressed feelings
- Hormonal changes
- Skin problems, acne
- Problems with the respiratory organs
- Digestive problems
Where can Reflexzone Therapy in children further contribute?
- Is deeply relaxing
- Can relieve pain
- Resolve blockages in the body
- Stimulates the self-healing ability of the body
- Has a positive influence on nervous system, lymphatic system and hormonal system
- Ensures better waste disposal and better absorption of nutrients.
- increases the resistance
- Helps body and mind to come into balance
- Helps to recover after surgery
- Has a positive influence on the quality of life in ADHD / ADD, dislexia and various forms of autism
- Helps deal with traumas or stress-related experiences when parents are divorced or the loss of dear person.
- Has a positive influence on the quality of life when high sensitivity is diagnosed