Business reflexology

Foot reflex therapy is an effective way for companies and organizations to provide their personnel with preventive care and contributes to improving mental and physical well-being and employee satisfaction.

Foot reflex therapy is easy to apply in your company or organization. For a treatment is no more than a separate room and a treatment chair (will be provided by therapist).

Effects of regular foot reflex therapy:
  • preventive against all kinds of health problems
  • increase concentration and motivation
  • works refreshing and invigorating
  • reducing arm, neck, and shoulder complaints
  • reducing stress related complaints
  • reduction in absenteeism
  • care guidance with reintegration processes
Reflexology as free provision

Since 2010, companies can offer foot reflexology as a free supply to their employees. This means that the costs are deductible from the payroll tax and that the VAT charged can be deducted from the sales tax. Foot reflexology is a free dispensation under the following conditions:

  • the employer has an arbo plan.
  • the reflex zone massage is reasonably part of that health and safety plan.
  • the reflex zone massage takes place during working hours.
  • the employee does not owe a personal contribution.
  • there is no significant private savings for the employee.
Foot reflex for your employees?

Are you considering giving foot reflex to your staff? Then please contact us for the possibilities or a free quote.

In Denmark, many companies have been providing foot reflexology to their employees for years. Several studies were conducted in the 1990s to measure the effect of reflex zone therapy within companies.

One of the studies, conducted in 1996, consisted of measuring the effect of six foot reflex treatments among 143 employees suffering from tense muscles, stress, headache and migraine. After the six treatments, 79% indicated that they had no or less complaints, 92% wanted to continue the treatments and 30% indicated they were more satisfied with their job.

Another survey of 235 employees showed a decrease in absenteeism from 11.4 days to 8.5 days per employee over a period of 4 years